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the website about colour printing namely the technique for printing with full colour where the four subtractive colours : cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (together called CMYK) reproduce all colours of the spectrum when mixed in proper proportion. The Americans call this color printing.

The Digital Colour Printing Handbook: Getting Better Colour from Your Photographs

~ Tim Daly


Colour printing is the reproduction of an image or text in colour (as opposed to simpler black and white or monochrome printing). It may also commonly be called four-colour process printing when only the colors cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (also known as CMYK ) are used. Another emerging method of colour printing is six-color process printing (for example, Pantone 's Hexachrome system) which adds orange and green to the traditional CMYK for a larger and more vibrant gamut , or color range.

Colour printing involves a series of steps, or transformations, in order to generate a quality color reproduction.